Cubs Promise
The Cub Scout Promise
The Promise and Law are at the heart of what we do as Cubs. They express the values we believe in as members of the worldwide family of Scouts.
I promise that I will do my best
To do my duty to God and to the Queen,
To help other people
And to keep the Cub Scout Law.
What does the Promise mean?
The Promise is a promise that we are making to ourselves and to other Cubs and members of the Scouting family.
“I will do my best” – Always try your hardest in everything you do, whether it is at school, Cubs, or at home.
“Duty to God” – To think about what god wants of you, to grow and learn. This applies to any god and all gods.
“Duty to the Queen” – This means that we are showing our respect to our country and our monarch.
“Help other people” – Working as a team and putting others before ourselves
“To keep the Cub Scout Law” – Speaks for itself!
Why do we make the Promise?
We make the Promise to show commitment to Scouting and to the values around which Scouting is based. We make the Promise when we are invested and repeat it at various other times to reaffirm our commitment to Scouting.