How to join

How to join 30th Craigalmond (Davidson’s Mains) Scout Group

We currently run one squirrel and two nights for each section. All the sections are very popular with Beavers having a long waiting list. If you would like your child to join Squirrels, please click here. We accept applications from the age of three. Sadly, due to Cubs and Scouts places being filled up by young people moving through from Beavers, we do not have places in these sections and do not run a waiting list as places are rarely available.

We would also suggest that you contact other local Scout Groups too, to increase your chances of joining The Scouts. Contact details for other groups in the Craigalmond District can be found at:

We are accepting application form submissions for the squirrels section on or after your child’s third birthday.
Please use the form at:
With permission, we keep a note of these children until their fourteenth birthday as it demonstrates demand in the area.

Currently, the best chance of securing a space is to complete the online waiting list application form on your child’s fifth birthday. Even then we cannot guarantee that a space will be available when they turn six. Children who are still on the waiting list on their seventh birthday, and have not been offered a place into Beavers, will be removed from the Beaver waiting list. With permission, we keep a note of these children until their fourteenth birthday as it demonstrates demand in the area.

Direct entry into Cubs is unlikely. We feed our two Cub Packs from our two Beaver Colonies and most young people stay on. Due to this we do not run a waiting list for Cubs. There are sometimes places available in other groups in the local area. Further information can be found at:

Direct entry into Scouts is also unlikely. We feed our two Scout Troops from our two Cub Packs and most young people stay on. Due to this we do not run a waiting list for Scouts. There are sometimes places available in other groups in the local area. Further information can be found at:

Our Group is run entirely by volunteers. As a volunteer, your child may be given priority to entry into the sections. If you feel able to offer your time to our Scout Group, please contact our Group Scout Leader, Dylan Lynch, for a chat –

Waiting List Policy

The waiting list policy can be read here.