Hardship Policy

We recognise that there are circumstances where members of 30th Craigalmond (Davidson’s Mains) Scout Group may be unable to meet the financial commitments of Scouting, but their participation would be both deserving and of significant benefit to them. This Hardship Policy (Policy) outlines the framework for handling cases of financial hardship. Hardship cases are always considered on a case-by-case basis, and only where sufficient funds are available in the group.

1. Implementation

  • When a young person’s parents, guardians or carers approach the group, the Section Leader or Group Scout Leader should take note of the specific circumstances with reference to the request and pass this detail on to the Group Trustee Board.
  • The Group Trustee Board will then review the request in line with this Policy.
  • The Group Trustee Board may also consult with the young person’s parents, guardians, or carers, as well as the Section Leader.
  • The Group Trustee Board will have final approval on the amount of support available.
  • All requests for further support, must also be reviewed and agreed by the Group Trustee Board.
  • The Group Trustee Board will provide full and transparent detail of the rationale behind their decision to award each specific amount. The primary consideration must always be the young person: if they are keen to join the group or are active members, then the Group Trustee Board should do everything it can to enable the young person to participate.

2. Commitment to Scouting

The applicant must show a regular commitment to 30th Craigalmond (Davidson’s Mains) Scout Group and join the Scout Association.

3. Financial situation

Support for members in financial hardship is available to:

  • meet subscription payments
  • attend camps and/or events in the UK or abroad
  • purchase uniform
  • provide support for individual members with special needs to participate in Scouting.
  • provide a one-off section grant of up to £200 per year for activities and/or camps. This should be administered by the section’s Finance Contact and agreed by the Group Trustee Board.

Evidence that can help make the best judgement of financial hardship would be if a family is in receipt of, but not limited to, one of the following:

  • Free school meals
  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • An income-related employment and support allowance
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Child Tax Credit
  • Working tax credit
  • Universal Credit
  • Housing Benefit

4. Payment options

Payment would be directly from the Group funds to the Section Finance Contact to administer on their behalf. This information should be completed with the relevant detail, by the Section Finance Contact.

5. Subscriptions

The Section Finance Contact can amend the subscription amount requested on OSM to factor the reduction of subscriptions for young people in receipt of funding.

6. Confidentiality

Information relating to individual hardship cases is often highly personal and is treated as strictly confidential. Any record of discussion of a hardship case at Group Trustee Board meetings will be reported in confidential minutes, separate to the normal minutes.

7. Change Control

The Group Trustee Board reserves the right to amend this Policy from time-to-time.