Waiting list policy

The waiting list is long and unfortunately has more young people than we can accommodate. This document sets out the rules of the 30th Craigalmond Scout Group (Group) which will be followed in all cases unless otherwise agreed by the Group’s Trustee Board.

The Group runs two waiting lists: one for Squirrels and one for Beavers. Each list is independent of the other. Cubs and Scouts do not have waiting lists, as their spaces are filled by young people moving through our Group.

The personal data provided to add a young person to a waiting list will be kept until the young person’s fourteenth birthday or earlier if a request for deletion is received.

1. Squirrels’ waiting list

  1. Young people can be added to the Squirrels’ waiting list from their third birthday. The date of joining the Squirrels’ waiting list does not impact the chance of gaining a space.
  2. Young people can join the Squirrel Drey at age four. For guidance as to what age a young person should move from one section to another, Policy, Organisation and Rules (POR), as amended, should be consulted.
  3. To ensure that all young people have at least one year’s experience at the Squirrel Drey prior to their transfer to Beavers, the Group does not accept new starts into the Squirrel Drey once the young person turns five years old.
  4. Young people reaching the age of five and not having been offered a place for the Squirrel Drey will have their record transferred to the Beavers waiting list on their fifth birthday.
  5. The process for offering spaces in the Squirrel Drey is as follows:

i. The Squirrels’ Leaders will decide who will be moving on to Beavers the following term. This will indicate how many places will be available for new starts to the Squirrel Drey.

ii. Squirrels leaders will review the ages of the current members of the Squirrel Drey. This information will be used to identify what age gaps exist within the current Squirrel Drey.

iii. Places will then be identified based on the age gaps within the Squirrel Drey.

iv. New starts will be picked using a randomiser tool that will provide a fair and unbiased system based on the age groups identified.

v. The children of Volunteers will be given priority, as set out below, and will not be subject to the randomiser tool.

vi. All offers of a space are valid for seven days from the date of the email confirming the place. The Group will email the offer to the email address provided at time of joining the list and call the mobile number provided. It is the responsibility of the child’s parent or guardian to ensure the contact details held are up to date.

2. Beavers’ waiting list

  1. The young people can be added to the Beavers’ waiting list from their fifth birthday.
  2. Young people can join a Beaver Colony at age six. For guidance as to what age a young person should move from one section to another, POR should be consulted.
  3. To ensure that all young people have at least one year’s experience at Beavers prior to their transfer to Cubs, we do not accept new starts into Beavers once the young person turns seven years old. Once aged seven, the young person will be removed from the Beavers’ waiting list.
  4. Those young people removed from the Beavers’ waiting list (aged over seven) will be notified that it is very unlikely that a place will be allocated at the Group, but that their record will be kept for the purposes of Scout census reporting until the age of 14. The parent will have the option of removing their child’s record if he /she wishes.
  5. All young people (other than the children of Volunteers) are listed in the date order that their parent or guardian first contacted the Group (by email) to add their child to the waiting list.
  6. During the middle of each term, all leaders and section admins are to liaise with each other and provide details as to how many members of their section are to move on to the next section and how many spaces there will be available in their section. The Section Leader of each section has the final decision for both the number of young people moving on and the number of spaces available in the section.
  7. When space(s) become available, existing members of the Group are given priority to move on to the new section from their current section. Secondly, any eligible Volunteers’ children are offered places. Thirdly, the waiting list is worked down based on the date of joining the waiting list.
  8. All offers of a space are valid for seven days from the date of the email confirming the place. The Group will email the offer to the email address provided at time of joining the list and call the mobile number provided. It is the responsibility of the child’s parent or guardian to ensure the contact details held are up to date. If a space is not taken within seven days, the Group will offer the place to the young person who is next on the waiting list.

3. Volunteer priority

  1. The children of volunteers who give up their time on a regular (i.e., weekly) basis (“Volunteer”) and have actively started to volunteer at the Group (on no fewer than one occasion) are automatically placed at the top of the waiting list. Requests for priority places for Volunteers outside of the Group but within the Scout Movement (e.g., Explorer Scout Units or at Craigalmond District) will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Trustee Board.
  2. Volunteers are responsible for requesting that their child’s name is placed at the top of the waiting list by emailing the waiting list contact.
  3. If there are more eligible young people than places available at the start of a term, the length of Volunteer service will be used to determine the order of precedence. This information will be the date that is stated on Compass.
  4. Volunteers do not have an automatic right to an immediate place for their child; only the benefit of being at the top (or near the top depending on length of volunteering service) of the list when a space becomes available.
  5. Priority is given to current members of the Group as opposed to new starts.
  6. The number of children that a Volunteer has does not impact the positioning of the waiting list.

4. Dispute resolution

  1. In the event there is a dispute within the section between the leaders and the Section Leader, the Section Leader should refer the dispute to the Trustee Board who should be provided with full details of the dispute.
  2. If the decision is split among the Trustee Board, the Chair will have the casting vote. If there is no Chair in post, the Group Scout Leader will have the casting vote. The Trustee Board should issue the decision to the section, which the section should implement.

5. Contact

Please direct any questions in relation to the waiting list to 30thCraigalmond@gmail.com.